Believes in Magic

The background fabric here reminds me of a fairy tale and this quote:
“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King
She believes in magic (5.5” x 9”)

For a giveaway entry, post a comment: tell me the name of your favorite fairy tale.

8 thoughts on “Believes in Magic”

  1. I really like the background fabric of this piece. It reminds me of traveling and heading to other lands. Cinderella was (and is) my favorite fairy tale. I always wished for a fairy godmother to sweep me away from my sad childhood and help me find my joy!

  2. Alisa Timmerman

    Such a lovely piece.
    My favorite fairytale is HCA’s
    Little one eye, two eyes and three eyes. Before I could read, I made my parents read it to me at least twice a week.

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